JmIRC is a lightweight, open source (read: free!) Java application that works on MIDP-1.0 phones (i.e. all phones that support MXit, as far as I know). The point of IRC clients isn't to look good; they often look hideously cheap and ugly. But what they lack in aesthetics, they more than make up for in functionality and freedom, provided you know the IRC commands.

1. Multiple servers exist all over the world, each of which are linked together. If one server fails, you can simply connect to another. Two such servers exist in South Africa, but hundreds exist throughout the world.

2. Create your own chatrooms (called "channels").
Channels may be moderated. Moderation is hierarchical. Similar to a forum, the Channel Owner controls everything. Channel Operators, Half-Operators, and Voiced users get other (decreasing) benefits.

3. Moderators can kick or ban users as many times, and for as long, as they like. No need to vote to kick people if a moderator (i.e. operator) is present.

4. No limit on the number of users in a channel, unless the Channel Operator sets a limit.

5. Set passwords for channels, or hide them. Hide yourself, if you like.

6. Your personal details, like your phone number, never show up.

7. Everything is free: messages, chatrooms, creating them, moderating them, kicking people, sending private messages... all free.


1. It's a computer geek's messenger, meaning that most of the flexibility of the program requires you to type commands (similar to how commands are typed in the MXit chatrooms). Setting up the program may be a little complicated to inexperienced people.

2. IRC is a plain text chat service. No pictures, no smileys.
Most of IRC's flexibility is accessed via commands; many of these commands and scripts are unavailable on phones, due to the nature of the mobile device (low memory, slow typing).

3. The interface is far from pretty. But it's functional.

4. The IP of your phone may be viewable.

To download jmIRC, click the following link:


JmIRC JmIRC Reviewed by Om Ryan on 11:39 PM Rating: 5

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