Internet Relay Chat is a place where you can chat with your frieds by a server. IRC is not possessed by individuals or companies not like other chats. To chat by IRC you need a IRC Client. IRC has many networks or servers. Some famous servers are DALnet, Undernet, and EFnet. when you chat with your friends, make sure that you are in the same server as your friends.

Once conneting to a server, you will find many rooms or Channels usually with # mark on several topics with thousands of users. If you have time or feel bored, chatting by IRC can be a good choice.

Nowadays, many IRC clients either for PCs or mobile phones, either Java or Symbian. For example, mIRC the most famous IRC Client for PCs. For your handphones, there are xIRC, CoolIRC, JedIRC, etc.

IRC IRC Reviewed by Om Ryan on 12:10 AM Rating: 5

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